CBSE 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter Wise
Practice with 500+ important questions of 12th chemistry chapter wise to boost up your preparation and score more than 90 percent. These important questions are very helpful for every student for exam and advanced level preparation. Our team has collected the well researched most important questions from each chapter of chemistry 12th and has put them together in PDF files so that you can download them easily for further practice.
Also Read: CBSE Class 12th Chemistry Previous 10 year Papers with solution
You must know, that chemistry is a very scoring subject in the science stream, so if you are prepared enough for this subject then there is no one to stop you to get more than 90+ marks. Here you will get to know some tips and tricks to prepare this subject perfectly and score high marks, so keep on reading.
In the PDF files given below, you will find the important questions of chemistry as well as some important terms which will help you to boost up your preparations. But this is advised that before going through these PDF files, you must solve the Sample papers of chemistry 12th class to make your preparations even more interesting.
CBSE 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter Wise
Below are the direct links to download the pdf files, all you need is a PDF file reader in your device. Just grab these files and start your preparations right now, and do not leave even a single question. Do each and every question with equal attention, as only then you will find these pdf files worth to download.
Chapter 2 Solutions
Chapter 3 Electro Chemistry
Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 5 Surface Chemistry
Chapter 6 General Principles & Processes of Isolation Of Elements
Chapter 7 P-Block Elements
Chapter 8 d- and f-Block Elements
Chapter 9 Coordination Compounds
Chapter 10 Haloalkanes And Haloarenes
Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers
Chapter 12 Aldehydes Ketones And Carboxylic Acids
Chapter 13 Amines
Chapter 14 Biomolecules
Chapter 15 Polymers
Chapter 16 Chemistry In Every Day Life
Buy Solutions for Chemistry Important Solved Questions Chapter Wise

- Price: ₹ 110
- Chapters: 16
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Syllabus (Theory)
After downloading the PDF files successfully, now it’s time to know about the syllabus of chemistry. You must be aware of the syllabus before starting your preparations, so below are the marks distribution scheme of each chapter from chemistry.
Unit | Topic | Marks |
I | Solid State | 4 |
II | Solutions | 5 |
III | Electrochemistry | 5 |
IV | Chemical Kinetics | 5 |
V | Surface Chemistry | 4 |
VI | General principles and process of Isolation of elements | 3 |
VII | p-Block Elements | 8 |
VIII | d-and f-Block Elements | 5 |
IX | Coordination Compounds | 3 |
X | Haloalkanes and Haloarenes | 4 |
XI | Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers | 4 |
XII | Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids | 6 |
XIII | Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen | 4 |
XIV | Biomolecules | 4 |
XV | Polymers | 3 |
XVI | Chemistry in Everyday life | 3 |
Total | 70 |
How To Prepare For 12th Chemistry – Tips
After getting the idea about the syllabus, now it’s time for some tips which will help you to prepare the subject chemistry in an interesting way, just follow and remember each point given below.
Complete your NCERT textbook first, read each and every topic given in NCERT book. This will help you to mark an idea about the topics and questions.
Complete the theory part first, as you know that the first 5 chapters consist of numerically based problems as well as the theory section. It is advised that you complete the theory part first.
Read, learn and solve each and every question from NCERT textbook because most of the questions in board exam come from NCERT directly even without a change.
After completing NCERT you can buy Reference books for 12th PCM, and prepare for the board exam from them.
Graphs, Diagrams, Definitions And Organic Chemistry
Practice and memorize the graphs, important diagrams and structures this may help you to get extra 10 marks.
Learn and memorize each definition as most of the paper of chemistry consists of definitions only. Clear your doubts with the help of your teachers before it gets too late.
Organic chemistry is always a weak link for most of the students, so give special attention to this section and learn each and every important name reactions. Learning name reactions from organic chemistry will help you to score 10 marks without any doubt.
The Special Notebook
Create a special notebook, and write down each and every important term you find during the preparation process on that notebook. Now give at least 1 hour every day on revising that notebook. This will help you to retain stuff more clearly.
Do not forget to solve the previous year question papers and sample papers, this really helps a lot. If you solve the previous year papers and the sample papers only, without even going through the NCERT or some other reference books, then also you can easily achieve more than 70+ marks(it’s true).
Find your weak points, work on them and make them your stronger points. This is necessary for scoring good marks in chemistry.
Practice each and every question from above pdf files with all your focus, and don’t let any question go. Each and every question given in above pdf files is really important to practice.
Hope I have helped you in this article, for any assistance, suggestion, and guidance you can comment your query below, and you will be answered with the best possible solution to your problem.
In how much time I received the PDF file after payment
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the pdf will be delievered on your email id within 10 to 20 minutes of purchase if it is done before 6 PM.
Sir mai abhi money payment kiya hu lekin khulega kaha se please tell me
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Sir please tell me how it will be open?
Hello Vivek,
the pdf files will be delivered on your given email id. You must have a pdf reader installed in you device in order to open them. If the problem is still not resolved then please contact.
Please give some important question for first term exam tommorow is my exam please help me
Hello Riya, check your first term syllabus and according to the syllabus check here the important question as we have given chapter wise.
hlo sir/mam
i am very week in chemistry what can i need to make it stronger subject
sir/mam plz tell me the way how i can score good marks in chemistry
Hello Ankit, By regular practice and start from the basic (fundamental concept of chemistry) you can make it.
can u pls load the solutions also
Hello Luci, You can purchase the solution from this link science important question
Hello maam i am bit weak in organic so can u plz tell me how can i make my organic strong please
where are the solutions for above mock test?
what are the chances of coming these questions in 2018 board
Sir I can prepare this questions for 2017-2018 Exam to get good marks??
Hello Sai,
If you do prepare these questions well for your board exams, then you will surely score good marks. But, please do not take it as a guaranty as nothing is fix when it comes to board exams.
If I practice these questions and some questions of these type….willni score good enough marks in the upcoming boards (2017-18) ??
Hi Anjali,
If you cover your syllabus book completely and practice from these important questions, yes you will definitely achieve good marks in your board exam.
Good evening
I really feel that chemistry is my weak point although I m quite good in physics and maths
But for chemistry I am not gaining confidence…because I am studying chemistry without any help from tutor I have completed physical and organic part but inorganic part is a tough…can u please give some tips…
Hi Shruti,
First, make a list of topics in which you have a problem and then ask your school teachers or your classmates and then practice them.
Sir /Mam all these questions are from “”previous year ques papers”” or have been created ….
plzz reply…
Hi Jahnavi,
The questions are from previous year papers itself.
Hello mam I am tushar
I was very week in chemistry. So how I would over come it . Please help me. ..
Hi Tushar,
If you don’t start your preparation yet then yes it is a matter of worry. But still there is so much time to score more in your weak subject. First you need to know what is the syllabus of chemistry, then assemble your notes. See what is the weightage of topics chapter wise through blue print, as we provided in our article “CBSE 12th Chemistry Important Questions Chapter Wise”. After then you should make your routine for your study, this is very important if you really want good marks in your exams. Just follow the tips given in the article (name mention above) and I am sure you will get flying colors.
Good Luck!
It is very helpful
Sir, if i study only these imp question, then can i score good marks?
Hello Anjali,
If you do practice these questions properly, then you can surely score good marks.
Can I follow this for upcoming board exam (2017-18)??
Hello Pramodini,
You can trust these important questions. If you do practice them properly, then you will definitely score good marks.
i want a answer key of these paper
Hello Tanu,
The answer key is currently not available. We are working on giving the complete solution for these questions, but it will take time. Till then stay tuned.
Hi Mam. I am Diksha. I am very weak in chemistry although I understand chemistry very easily but unable to score good marks. Please help me. I am very much tensed and confused about this subject. How can I score good marks in chemistry?
Hi Diksha.
In subject like Chemistry you have to deal with both theory part as well as numerical part so you must have sharp memory to remember all the reactions and also be good in practical approach to do numerical. While studying organic and inorganic chemistry always keep a notebook with yourself and write down all the important topics, reactions etc and for inorganic make sure you learn all the formula by heart. Next thing is revision, which is quite necessary as it helps to remember all that you have studied. Keep yourself focused and do regular study. Don’t get nervous just work hard and you will score good marks for sure.
Mam I am Akash. I am in great tension after getting my result even I had written chemistry paper well that I was sure to get at lest 40 in theory but got only 4 marks there also fail. Please help me out. Please give me information regarding the studies I have to do for exam in July.
Hi Akash.
There is nothing to worry about. According to the CBSE rule you have to pass in 5 subject out of 6. If you have failed in only one subject then that subject will be replaced by the additional subject. This means you don’t have to give compartment exam and you will be consider pass. But if you have failed in two subjects than you have give compartment exam of one subject. You have to work hard then for the compartment exam.
hello ma’am,
I have a question that is it enough to practice the questions (pdf) you have given above? I meant ,no need of any more reference?
Hi Fazeela.
Practicing form these paper will help you a lot absolutely. But to score good marks stick to NCERT books. If you are preparing for any competitive exams then you can study from reference books. You can read our post ‘Books For CBSE 12th Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology’ where you will find names of some good reference books.
Hello ma’am I am average student can I score 90% marks? Should I take tuition?
Hi Ranveer, look its all up to you, if you think that there is need of tuition, then you should take it. However, i always suggest students to focus on self study which is more beneficial.
How i can prepare in 20dys organic nd phyisical chemistry plz help me ?
Hi Prajjwal.
Do the thorough revision of each and every topic clearly, because chemistry is all about revising with complete dedication. So, work hard, you will get good marks.
Hello Mam
I’m getting nervous because when ever i study and after a short interval of time i forget the things
My organic is weak mam because I’ve not studied organic chem in class 11 so will it effect me in class 12 boards this year
Hi Abhinav.
Don’t get disheartened. You are forgetting because you don’t pay attention while you study. So, be dedicated towards whatever you are studying and you can understand organic chemistry only if you will revise it thoroughly and practice the reactions in it with complete dedication. So, as only one and a half month is left, utilize this time for the best. Work hard, you will get good marks.
Thanks a lot mam.
One more quest mam
In my preboards my maths exam didn’t go well and next exam was chemistry , but bcuz of maths i was unable to concentrate on chem and scored only 40 out of 70
so mam now I’m too stressed and worried bcuz in both the exams i didn’t scored well
and mam any predictions for board chem marks by seeing my preboard marks
mam can u suggest me a time table for studying plzzz mam
Hi Abhinav.
Don’t get nervous. Have some faith in yourself, once you will gain that, you will easily be able to score good marks. So, we recommend you just practice with full dedication, set a proper time table for yourself, giving much of your time to those subjects in which you are weak. Start practicing all the questions from sample papers and previous year question papers. You will definitely get good marks.
thank you for providing us the list of important questions topic wise, now i will be more confident about the upcoming exam after solving your notes
Hi mam
I have problems in the organic portion but can you give me a trick so that I could score good in it.pls I need a help
Hi Kalpana.
Just keep on practicing, as you can get good command over organic chemistry, if you will be practicing it thoroughly. So, keep on practicing, set a time table for yourself and utilize all your time in your studies, you will get good results.
Hello Mam, i am very good and strong in the inorganic chemistry part(numerical, theory, p block,…) but I am very weak in organic chemistry i have tried to study it many times but i really don’t get interest in it and now only 2 months are left and i am preparing for IIT and boards too. please help me what should i do about organic chemistry
Hi Vivek.
Don’t get dis-heartened. Just keep on practicing as organic chemistry comes with practice. So, be concentrated towards what ever you study. Avoid distractions. You will get good marks.
Thanks Mam, I was thinking that I should solve only last 7-8 years question papers because I did the same in class 10th and it was really very beneficial. I was thinking to not learn every reaction instead I will solve last 7-8 years question papers for both IIt and board. Will that work?
Yes, it will absolutely work. In Fact, at this moment, when exams are so near, this is the best way to study organic chemistry.
HeLLo Mam..
I’m ZuBeR..
Mera Bhi Confusion Chemistry Me hi Hai.
Maine Upar Ke Comments Padha..
Jisme Aapne Sets Paper And So On Padhne Ko Kaha Hai..
Lekin Set paper Pdhne Ka Maza Tb Hi Aata Hai Jb Aapne Puri Taiyaari Kr Li Ho..
Lekin Taiyaari To Puri Hai Nhi..So Kaise Set Paper Ka Help Loo..
Plz Advice Me :..
How I Get GooD Marks In Chem And Math..??
Hi Zuber.
You can get your concepts clear with previous years papers also. You get the idea of how the question are framed. And likewise you are able to practice. Because it is high time now and you can’t afford to waste a single minute, just wandering for which book is good. So, it’s better to practice from sample papers and previous year question papers.
Mam , when I learning any subject I get learned that subject that time but after some days i forget everything whichever I get learned
Hi Muzammil.
You forget it, because you do not revise it thoroughly. So, whatever you study make sure that you are doing its revision daily. And once you will start revising, you will never forget it.
Hi, I am in class 12th and only 57 days are left for my exams. I am done once with my whole syllabus but just before my exams I forget everything I have done this is the case behind chemistry. I even though after practising so many times I am not able to cope up with this. I am just very afraid of chemistry now. Pls help me
Hi Aditi.
Don’t be afraid of examinations. You forget everything because you are feel nervous and also you are not well prepared. So, firstly get this exam fear out of your mind. Start working hard, set a time table for yourself and be confident with whatever you study. You will definitely get good marks.
hlo mam
i am not good in chem.
plz help me to get good marks
tell me some suggestion
how i prepare for board ??
Hi Jaspreet.
You are considering yourself weak because you are not well prepared, so start thorough revision of chemistry, that too with full confidence. As soon as you will start revising, you will get clear with all your concepts and will find it very easy and interesting. So, keep on practicing, you will get good result.
hello …sir i have completed my 11 standard and our school is going to start our 12 from 9 jan and in chemistry i was totally zero in 11 …so can you suggest me ways in which i can improve chemistry…nd tell me a way to make a better timetable
Hi Navi.
You can only be good at chemistry if you will be practicing it daily. So, keep on practicing. You have one year with you. Utilize it for the best. Firstly, clear all your concepts from your course book. As soon as you will be finishing it, start practicing from sample papers and previous year question papers, and keep on practicing. As much as you will be practicing, you will get really good at chemistry, and will score as peer your expectations.
Hello sir, as we know there are only 2 months left for board exam. Can we get 90% above in these two months if yes.. how??
Hi Deepak.
Yes everything is possible. So, if you want to score good marks in your board exams, keep on practicing. Utilize all your time for your studies. Set a time table for you, and study according to that. Only two months are left, so give your best, you will definitely get good result.
Hii mam; I am shubham nd I want to score 90+ marks….i have already solve some previous board papers…would you plz tell me what I do further……
Hi Shubham.
We appreciate that you have solved all the papers. But keep on practicing. The more you will be in continuous practice, the more are your chances to score good marks. So, keep on practicing from more sample papers and previous year question papers.
Hui ma’am I M having lot of confusion which chapter I should pic the first this year it was lot of hosposh with chemistry teachers so it made more confusion with me to study my preboards are going to start from Jan I M having my first paper of chemistry would u plz tell me which which chapter I should study so I could score good marks in my preboards ?? Plz
Hi Sakshisoni.
Don’t get confused. Just keep on practicing from sample papers and previous year question papers. Have faith in yourself that yes i can do it. And start practicing with full confidence. Don’t depend on others for your practice. You have that spark within you, so that you can tackle with each and every exam in your life. Just give a wake up call to you, and you will definitely get good results.
Hi mam
I haven’t started anything yet but i want to solve sample papers provided by you but i wanted to know that is there anything i can do with text books
Thank you
Hi Raj.
You don’t have enough time left with you, so you can wander for books, and you will get confused too. So, we will recommend you to keep practicing from as many sample papers and previous year question papers as you can.
Mam I have only 2 months left for the exams and I haven’t started yet.If starts from today is there any chances I get 80+ marks in chemistry.Give me some tips please.
Hi Shubham.
Yes very less time is left for your boards. So, its not the time to panic, keep yourself calm and start practicing from sample papers and previous year question papers. Set a target of solving at least 4 to 5 sample papers a day. You will surely get the results.
Hello ma’am these PDFs provided by you are awesome and are helping me a lot, specially the sure short questions. But ma’am I couldn’t see any PDF out there for sure short questions for polymers. Can you please provide one for it.
Thank you.
Hi Hardik. Glad to see you contented with the pdfs. We are working on the short questions of different chapters in Chemistry. They will soon be uploaded here.
Sir.This is a amazing website.which helped me a lot in overcoming the fear of exam
Sir i cant remember reaction of p block and organic topics.Suggest me a way to remeber.
Hi Priyaranjan. p-block generally seems to be one of the toughest chapters but it is not. Have a look on last 10 year previous year papers and you will be convinced that why i am saying so. You will find mostly the same questions in every paper and that is too the reasoning part. As i always suggest, stick on to your NCERT book especially for this chapter.
Apart from it, if i talk about reactions, then you have to learn them. Yes, try to memorize by writing them again and again.
hi mem im krish I havejust facing a problem with chemical reactions so what can i do? and my theory was very well in chemistry and haw i scores 90 in chem
Hi Krishnkant. Scoring 90+ in Chemistry is not that difficult for you. You are confident in your theory part, all you need is to focus more on reactions and equations which are really very important. First of all, make sure that you are not just memorizing things, instead try to understand by learning the basic concepts.
Try to study reactions by writing them down. It will help you.
hello mam,please give me a trick to study p-block elements .it’s very difficult for me to learn all the reactions
Hi Muskan. p-block generally seems to be one of the toughest chapters but it is not. Yes, have a look on last 10 year previous year papers and you will be convinced that why i am saying so. You will find mostly the same questions in every paper and that is too the reasoning part. As i always suggest, stick on to your NCERT book especially for this chapter.
Apart from it, if i talk about reactions, then you have to learn them. Yes, try to memorize by writing them again and again.
thank u so much sir .. this actually helped me alot nd actually gave me an idea that i should really prepare .. thnxx alot sir …
If we practice previous year question papers, will we achieve 70 marks?
Hello Naveen, the question of practicing the previous years papers arises only when you have covered your syllabus properly. You can not solve questions if you have not done your syllabus properly. So, previous years papers are no good, if you have not cleared your concepts and covered the topics.
I would like to get an answer key to your questions sir, just to be sure.
Hello Rudr, Our team is working on the answer key of the papers. It is taking some time, hopefully they will be completed within 2 week. So, stay tuned.
Sir is the imp questions are enough for CET R this is only based for pic help me out sir
Hi Manova, i did not get your question. Please be more clear what you want to ask.
This is really good and well maintained
@Darth! Thank you, we always wish to hear the same.
I am Sneha & i am quiet confused with chem whether to mug it up or to take an interest in it. It is a quiet boring but interesting sub for me like boring for memorizing things but interesting for knowing certain reasoning . Please help me to sort out things.
Hey sneha you should learn things with concept for each topic. This will help you to remember things for long time… Along with it you must notedown the concept and revise it from time to time… Tis will helpful to you.. Good luck.
Hello! I just finished my 11th grade and about to step into twelfth grade. Everybody keep telling me that NCERT should be given the first prominence for board exams and competitive exams as well. Is it truly enough if I master the NCERT?
Hello Prithvi,
It will be great if you master NCERT, and you will surely score good marks in board exam. But for competitive exams, you should consider reference books too, just to be on a safer side.
Sir, I am confused over the organic part, what about, if i solve previous 5 year question papers. How much chances are there of same questions to be repeated.
Chemistry paper usually comes easy as compared to physics and maths, if you solve upto 5 years papers then you can score the passing marks and put yourself in the safe zone. You could face 3 to 4 questions which are appeared in last 5 years.
And for organic chemistry, mug up all the important name reactions, structural formulas and reasoning question answers, doing this can bring you at least 10 to 12 marks easily.
it’s true that if we solve the question paper of last year, it helps in exam. But same questions will not come again. though the pattern will be same.
How to prepare for organic chemistry so that i can get full marks in it? I am confused which type of questions will come, are they same as NCERT or different? Please! suggest me.
Hey! Abc,
Nice Name by the way!
Try to learn reasoning questions, naming reaction and formulas. I know that’s prity much organic chemistry, but try to learn as much as you can can. And the questions are almost same as NCERT, even it is said that 70% of the qustions comes from NCERT.
Nice questions, Sir. I told my friends to watch this site because I was getting tired teaching them. You saved my time. I hope they can solve the questions because if they can’t, again they will eat my brain.
I am little bit tensed about physical chemistry. Where to practice from?
Hi Riya,
Since you are running out of time, therefore, i will suggest you to practice the previous year questions and sample papers. You should focus more on revision instead of learning new things.
Very helpful website for students.
Sir are these questions for organic ( chp. haloalkane to amines) are sufficient to score 18 out of 18 marks because my organic chemistry is week. Please Reply
Yes sure, but there is no assurance that you will face the same question in board exam. These are the possible types of questions which usually comes in board exam. If you study and practice them then surely you will get benefit as compared to getting a zero.
Thanks for your help, now I’m ready for my chemistry exam.
Sir, it is a great product, but I am very week in organic.
Can I get about 20 questions, which are most probable to come in exam of CBSE 2016?
No questions for polymers, Sir.
Hello Sham,
There is no need of questions regarding this chapter, just learn polymers with there monomers and the structural formulas.
Just by doing this you can score full marks in polymers.
keep the good work up.
Thank you Harman,
Glad to know that this website was help for you. We will love to hear your suggestions to improve this website, so that we could help students more.
Also, more stuff is coming which I am sure you are going to like. So, stay in touch.
Helped a lot
Thanks for your precious comment Navneet, keep visiting 4ono. And all the best for your exams.